What I did: imported legacy projects
What happened: untitled project cant be deleted or is deleted but reappear after program closed and reopened
What I expected:
Things that might be helpful to know (Findings version, OS and model, etc):
What I did: imported legacy projects
What happened: untitled project cant be deleted or is deleted but reappear after program closed and reopened
What I expected:
Things that might be helpful to know (Findings version, OS and model, etc):
Thanks for the bug report. Would you mind sharing your Findings library with me? This way, I will be able to run your library on my computer and see what is wrong. If you do, please do not share it on this public forum, but send the info by email at feedback@findingsapp.com.
Here is how to get to your Findings documents on disk:
This will create a zip file.
Note that if you use Dropbox sync, this folder will be stored on Dropbox.
Depending on the size of the file(s), you can send it/them by email, or else maybe share it via Dropbox?