What I did: Opened Findings App, Restarted the App but I cannot still open it.
What happened: I cannot open Findings App. Please help me, my lab records are there!
The following messages appeared:
We are very sorry for the problem. Please contact support at feedback@findingsapp.com and include the following information: Error Domain=FDLibraryManager Code=20 “Could not set up the Findings library at path /Users/ricogamuyao1|2/Library/Containers/com.findings.Findings/Data/Documents/Findings because of error: Cannot create bucket with type ‘2’ and absolute path ‘(null)’” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Could not set up the Findings library at path /Users/ricogamuyao1|2/Library/Containers/com.findings.Findings/Data/Documents/Findings because of error: Cannot create bucket with type ‘2’ and absolute path ‘(null)’, NSUnderlyingError=0x600001122370 {Error Domain=FDBucketManager Code=20 “Cannot create bucket with type ‘2’ and absolute path ‘(null)’” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot create bucket with type ‘2’ and absolute path ‘(null)’}}}
Things that might be helpful to know (Findings version, OS and model, etc): I am using Findings version 2. I am using Mac OS Catalina.
I am very sorry about the issue. It looks like somehow Findings is denied access to the Dropbox folder by macOS. This is an annoying, but fortunately rare, issue with macOS and the sandbox system.
Could you please try the following:
Make a backup of the Findings folder in Dropbox, at path ~/Dropbox/Apps/Findings/Default
Navigate to The configuration folder for Findings, at the standard location assigned by the system to the Findings app: ~/Library/Containers/com.findings.Findings/Data/Documents/Findings
Here is how to get to it via the Finder:
Open your user’s hidden Library folder: use the Go menu in the Finder and press the option key; this will add a ‘Library’ item to the list, and will give you access to the hidden folder.
Navigate to the following path in the above folder: Containers → com.findings.Findings → Data → Documents → Findings
Once there, locate the subfolder called ‘PersistentInfoV2’. Inside that folder, remove files named ‘bucketsv2’. There might be several files with variations on that name; remove them all, but do not remove the Info.plist file!
If there is also a subfolder called ‘PersistentInfo’, please also go inside that folder and also remove files named ‘bucketsv2’.
Start Findings again.
Enable Dropbox sync on Findings for Mac, using the menu Findings to open the Preferences. Under the ‘Library’ tab, use the ‘Sync with Dropbox’ checkbox to enable sync. You will then go through two steps as you did in the past when first enabling sync:
a. Authorize Dropbox on the web. A browser window will open to give access to Findings. Follow the instructions there (it’s very straightforward). You may have to login to Dropbox if you are not already logged in.
b. Back in Findings, you will be asked to locate the root Dropbox folder. Typically, it’s the folder in /Users/<your_name>/Dropbox. Select the folder, and click the ‘Select’ button.
After that, Findings will be connected again to Dropbox. Try quitting the app and opening again to make sure the system is allowing the app access again.
Let me know how it goes! Thanks for your patience,