Feature request: Working group in the app - Shared work

It will be great to add a feature like "group work” in which all the laboratory members can access to the protocols, and participate within the same collection of projects, or in any particular project without having to share everything they do or write.

Kind regards,


Hi Martin,

This looks similar to the request here:

Though I think you are more interested in the protocols themselves, not necessarily everything.

In general, what I have in mind for that kind of feature is to simply have separate areas in the app depending on the sharing status:

  • one ‘personal’ area, with entries and protocols only you have access to
  • a ‘group’ area, with entries and protocols shared with everyone in the group

You could imagine joining multiple groups too.

Would that make sense?

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Dear Charles,

Yes! That will really help a lot! To have control on what I share, but seriously it will be a great feature, because nowadays most if not all labs work in groups and the feature will make our work really better!

Many thanks for your kind reply!

Kind regards,
