Sorry about the issue with experiment editing. It is in fact discussed here as well: Can’t type in my experiments — UPDATE: fixed in beta 2.0.2 build 5290 - #14 by cparnot
It’s an unfortunate bug that I have now fixed in Findings 2.0.2, though it’s still in beta at the moment. We have more information about beta versions of Findings here:
As an alternative to running a beta version, you can also contact me privately so I can send you specific instructions to fix the issue in 2.0.1 (this discussion is public and for this type of modifications, it’s best to have a direct interaction). Please email
Regarding the iOS app, it is a current limitation: the app is compatible but still running under the version 1 assumptions where all entries are experiments (no entry types), and there are no collections. We will have an update in the future.
Thanks for your patience!