Auto backspace(delete) when I type in Japanese - FIXED in Findings 2.0.2 build 5322

(bug in Findings beta 2.0, Build 5196.ff247b6a )

When I type in Japanese and translate from Hiragana to Kanji, backspace is automatically added.

Not everytime, but I think this bug might be occured when I start to write new line.


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Thanks for the report and sorry for the troubles. The bug is on our todo list! I’ll keep you updated when it’s fixed.


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Same when inserting Chinese

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Hi all,

the issue should be fixed in the latest beta version (2.0.2, build 5322). You can read more about the release here:

The release notes:

If you are curious, we have more information about beta versions of Findings on our community forums, where you can also report bugs:

Thanks all for your patience and help!