After reinstalation of Findings no content of experiments but headings remain

What I did:
I had my computer upgraded. I downloaded the Findings app again and linked it to my existing folder in the Dropbox.

What happened:
I currently can only see titles of my experiments and protocols but no content! There is a “No content to display” message where the main content of my protocols should be. Also, I used to have subfolders in my Experiment folder but now everything is in just the main folder, and the subdivision is gone.

What I expected:
I would like to restore the findings to what it used to be before I upgraded my computer and reinstalled the Findings app

Things that might be helpful to know (Findings version, OS and model, etc):
Findings version: 2.1, OS: MacOS Catalina Version 10.15.7, MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2016